7:50Supervision Begins
12:15-12:45Lunch Recess
2:15Dismissal K-5

Students should not arrive at school prior to 7:50 a.m. as teachers do not begin to supervise until this time.

Please note if your child is late arriving at school, please check into the office to sign in. If your child is going to be absent, please call our safe arrival line (1-833-202-4304) If you pick up your child early, please visit the office and sign your child out At the end of the day, if you are picking up your child, please wait in our school lobby until the dismissal bell rings and then proceed to your child’s classroom. ​

Riverside Consolidated Homework Policy

For years homework has been a major component of our student’s education. Homework was traditionally used to practice a particular skill or to research a topic as a preview to what was going to be taught. There was a shift where homework became a tool where students were expected to finish classwork or complete exercises that supported learning. Over the past few weeks the staff of Riverside Consolidated has had discussions regarding our views of homework and we have come up with the following key points;

1. Homework should never create stress at home. If there is something sent home and your son / daughter become frustrated or seem to not understand what is to be done, PUT IT AWAY! Send a note to your child’s teacher stating the frustration.

2. Homework is meant to give you an opportunity to participate in your child’s learning. Any homework that is sent home is meant to support learning that has already been done in the classroom. This type of activity can be anything from practicing sight words to playing math games. These homework activities help you to better understand what is being taught in your child’s classroom and gives you the option to practice with them. As a parent you know your child better than anyone else and therefore you know how much extra help or support your son or daughter can handle outside of the classroom.

3. Reading. We can’t stress enough the importance of reading both in school and at home. It is especially important for younger students to read to someone orally to help improve fluency and accuracy. As students get older they are able to read more independently at home. We will always strongly encourage you to support your child by reading with them at home.

From time to time your child will arrive home with “homework”. The activities that will arrive are meant to give you the option to help support your child’s learning. Your son/daughter will not be punished if homework sent home is not completed. Most of the homework sent home will be activities such as math games that help support specific skills and outcomes, or reading activities that can be done to help improve your child’s reading level. We are not expecting you to teach or feel that you must teach your child, we are simply giving you the opportunity to support and understand what is happening in your child’s classroom.

If you have any questions or concerns I would encourage you to talk to your son / daughter’s teacher to resolve whatever issue you may have.